How do you sign-off your email? And, why does it matter?
I’ve noticed recently that my preferred ‘kind regards’ seems to have fallen out of favour – according to this post from Mashable, ‘regards’ or ‘best regards’ only work for Victorian ghosts – and my use of ‘cheers’ (when I know the lucky recipient of my email a bit better and have loosened my metaphorical tie) should be consigned to the same box where I keep my old tartan lined Harrington jacket and Complete Madness tape.
It seems that ‘thanks’ has become a more common sign-off – even when the writer has nothing to be particularly thankful for.
Of course, it does matter how you sign off your email but it doesn’t hurt to be flexible. Like any communication, you should perhaps think about how you tailor it for your audience rather than rigidly sticking to your usual method. There’s a bit of ‘mirroring’ psychology of in all this and adapting to the intended recipient’s style rather than slavishly sticking to your usual sign-off. Try and experiment with a few different sign-offs and see if anyone notices.
So, farewell then, (too much?). Back at ya (worse!). All the best (better)